I was glad to read
Sherwood Smith's blog entry
today about books she didn't love in 2012.
As a teacher I'm constantly having people tell me how much they love books that I don't, or haven't read and don't want to. The reasons are varied. It has nothing to do with quality of work and everything to do with, "It's subjective."
I don't care how many people rave about Cormac McCarthy; his books sound so dark and depressing to me I haven't gotten to a point where I want to give them a shot. I know he's a hugely respected writer, an award-winning writer, a writer my students often find inspiring. That's all good and wonderful and I won't mock anybody for loving Cormac McCarthy.
I will mock Twilight because it's fun to mock Twilight but I honestly won't mock readers who love Twilight. Some of my best friends love Twilight!
Anyway, I suggest you read Sherwood's thoughts and join in the discussion.
She definitely has a few thoughts on the subject!