Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Deep Point of View

It's always helpful to find support for things I teach, like how to write point of view. Our friend Doug Solter pointed me to this five-article series on "deep point of view" written by Toni Andrews.

Stephen King is a great example of an author who often writes in deep point of view. His popularity doesn't come from his ability to create the scariest monsters. It comes from his ability to make the readers experience what his characters are experiencing when they encounter the monsters.

Yes. That.

[And if you haven't already entered my contest for a free book of your choice from, go do it now! Contest ends January 6, 2012.]

Monday, December 12, 2011

I'm giving away books!

In order to get my new website/blog site started, I'm giving away at least one free book, maybe more. Any book of your choice (up to $20 value). Find out more about it here!

Contest ends January 6, 2012.

Monday, December 05, 2011

Forget the word "network" and all it represents.

You will be told you need to network in the publishing biz. You will be told that twitter, facebook, blogs, all sorts of social media are how you do this.

I know you will be told this because I have told you this myself. And it's true, except for that word--that word network. It sounds cold and businesslike, or possibly smarmy like a bad salesman glad-handing everybody in the room with a big grin making sure he doesn't miss a soul because any single person there might be his Next Big Sale and by golly, he wants to talk to you about that!

 Do not be that guy.

So, you ask in frustration, how do you network without networking?

I have been told this about the film business.  I have been told this about the publishing biz.  It may be true of other biz as well, but I know it is true about these. And that is, stop looking at people--whether they be authors, agents, editors, potential readers, in terms of what they can do for you.

Instead, relax. It's a party, but it's the lowest key party you've ever been to.  You can sit back and observe and nobody knows it. And you can--brace yourself--find the people you like. Find the people who you find fascinating or entertaining or have things in common with.  Find people you like to spend time with.

And start following them, whether it's reading their blogs or following their tweets or reading their reviews on goodreads. The internet makes this the best time ever to meet people without having to get dressed up, without having to leave your home. And you get to choose which people you meet. Now how cool is that?

It's good to occasionally post a comment to a blog if the person says something that particularly resonates with you.  It's good to retweet something that struck you as clever or wise or witty.  It's good to simply assemble those people you have something in common with on the assumption that you have something to share that they might enjoy, too--your comments, your own tweets, your own book reviews. Whatever it is.

That is networking.  Everybody on the internet--unless they are already an internet rock star--is looking for like-minded people to share with. And you can be that person. And by being that person, you put yourself in a position to learn about the business, or the subject you love, or writing, or the current marketplace.

Check out my sidebar for starters. There are people there to read, to follow.  Will each person you follow be a best buddy? Of course not. But you will meet other people at their parties, you know. Somebody else who makes a smart comment, and maybe after they make a couple of smart comments, you check out there twitter stream or their blog and realize, hey, I think I like this person.

The network, from your perspective, is who you can enjoy and learn from. And in all probability, you will meet others who feel the same way about you.

Nathan Bransford said it in fewer words today.  Check it out.

Friday, December 02, 2011

Writing what's HOT!

The Practical Meerkat has done it again, nailed this one on the head.

About writing what is hot at Exactly the Right Time for the Market!

And yes, we're talking about what makes the big bucks.

Here’s the bitter part:  while “don’t chase the market” is advice that’s handed out freely, at the same time, we’re told by example and inference that if you want to make Real Money, you have to hit the hot markets.

And the hard truth is – that IS how you make Real Money...

Thursday, December 01, 2011

Take Your Child to a Bookstore Day!

"On December 3rd, 2011, take the child in your life to a bookstore. Watch his face light up as you give him free access, not just to a new book, but to tomorrow."

And if you don't have a child handy, take your inner child.

Remember the magic of bookstores?

Yeah. That.

Books I loved as a child:  Sam and the Firefly, Nancy Drew and the Hidden Staircase, and Half Magic.

What about you?