Tuesday, November 08, 2011

We've got ya covered.

Ever wonder what goes into designing a book cover?

John Scalzi has revealed his new book cover for the book, Redshirts.

And Tor has allowed Irene Gallo, their creative director, to take us behind the scenes to see what they were aiming for and three of the designs they didn't use.

The Awl
looks at iconic book covers, and six contemporary writers tell us all about their reactions to covers and blurbs.

The Enchanted Inkpot shows Fall 2011 YA covers and discusses the trends. (Interesting how few of the people on the covers actually look like young adults.)

And this may be a bit out of date but it's interesting--a look back at cover trends in 2010.

However lovely the covers, drowning girls looks like a disturbing trend, doesn't it?

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